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Protecting Voting Rights And Preventing Interference

Freedom to Vote Act: Protecting American Democracy

Protecting Voting Rights and Preventing Interference

The Freedom to Vote Act is a landmark legislation that seeks to safeguard American democracy by implementing baseline national standards to protect voting access and prevent partisan interference in elections.

Combating Voter Suppression and Gerrymandering

The bill would combat voter suppression tactics by expanding early voting, allowing same-day voter registration, and making mail-in voting more accessible. It would also address gerrymandering, the practice of redrawing electoral districts to give unfair advantages to certain political parties, by establishing independent commissions to oversee redistricting.

Limiting the Influence of Dark Money

The Freedom to Vote Act aims to limit the influence of dark money in elections by requiring greater transparency in campaign finance and closing loopholes that allow corporations and wealthy individuals to anonymously donate unlimited sums.

Strengthening Election Security

The bill would enhance election security by providing funding for election infrastructure, improving voter registration security, and establishing a nationwide cybersecurity hotline for reporting election interference.

A Landmark Legislative Effort

Introduced by Senate Democrats led by Senator Amy Klobuchar, the Freedom to Vote Act is a successor to the popular For the People Act that passed the House in March. It represents a comprehensive effort to protect voting rights, prevent partisan sabotage, and strengthen American democracy.
